20 March, 2013

A Black Tie Affair & Basic Etiquette

Over the weekend, hubby and I had a "date" with the CEO of hubby's company.
I've been to dinner parties with doctors and other business types, but never to dinner with a CEO.
 I was a nervous wreck as I raided my closet for something 'appropraite' to wear to this dinner function. Now, it wasn't a "black tie affair" but it was business related, so I had to make sure I dressed the part.
The evening went well, and that night's event got me to thinking about doing a post on the proper etiquette for a "black tie affair" so that if the occasion ever arise, I would be prepared.

First, let me start with this basic chart for the men out there who might need this information. Us women have it fairly easy when it comes to dressing for any such event. We merely have to don a "go-to" black dress. However, if you're like me, you want to dress in line with what the man is wearing. Here is a basic guide to the Male's dress code:

Now that you're dressed and as you find the evening underway, you never know what might pop up unexpectedly, so here is my short list of things I carry in my bag:

  • Female necessities
  • Plackers - It's like dental floss on a stick and it's easier to use when you need to make a "quick" visit to the ladies room and lipstick for a quick touch-up after the meal/dessert.
  • Perfume - a light scent that doesn't overpower the room and irritate anyone who might have allergies.
  • A travel size bottle of hair spray, mouth wash, and deodorant if you feel you might need them. Otherwise, forgo those for the ability to carry a small evening bag.
  • Tape for the bottom of your shoes, should you find the floor to be slick. You don't want to hit the deck while sipping a drink.
  • Business Cards - to hand out, should you feel the need to network with any of the people you come into contact with.
  • Safety pins and and extra pair of hose. Nothing looks worse than an unsightly run in your panty hose.
  • A small day planner - for recording upcoming events, important contact info. and details from that nights business dinner (if applicable).
Last but not least, relax and enjoy the evening.

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